Case Study: Digital Advertising for Event Attendance

Republican caucus attendance in Colorado plunged 80% between 2016 and 2020. For many, attending caucus is their first step toward political involvement. This means a drop in caucus attendance could cripple a county’s volunteer recruitment. Luckily, the Gunnison county Republican Party took proactive steps to protect caucus turnout.

To promote caucus attendance, the Gunnison GOP hired Constellation. Gunnison is a small county and the party had limited resources. But we were still able to design a sophisticated digital advertising campaign. Using precisely targeted digital advertising we were able to double Gunnison’s caucus registration. Gunnison county ultimately had the fifth-highest caucus turnout of any county in Colorado. Their caucus turnout rate was more than twice the statewide average.

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About the Author

Ben attended the University of Colorado for both undergrad and grad school. He has 12 years of experience in Colorado politics. In addition to politics he also works providing economic forecasts for the world's largest banks.

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